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Principal of Djibouti Institute of Diplomatic Studies Visits HGU
2018-08-21 11:33:02   来源:     点击:

August 10, Mr. Moussa Meigague, Principal ofDjibouti Institute of Diplomatic Studies vistited our university. The Vice-president Zhang Xiaoping met with him. During the visit, the two parties had deep discussion on the agreement signed on January, 2018 and reached further agreement on issues including faculty exchange, study tour and the promotion of HGU’s degree education for oversea students in Djibouti. Mr. Meigague visited the Geo-science Museum after the meeting.

Mr. Meigague came to China this time mainly to participate in the seminar on the development and construction of the Belt and Road and the human destiny community held by the Ministry of Commerce for the officers of Africa. He gave up his time on weekends and visited HGU in order to strengthen the fruits of our visit to Djibouti this January, and more importantly, to see the development of our university by himself.

This visit leaves Mr. Meigague a excellent impression of Shijiazhuang as well as Hebei GEO University.

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